Outpatient knee replacement may be an option for someone who is motivated and healthy enough to be discharged home on the same day as the surgery.Nobody looks forward to surgery, but if knee pain is severely restricting your activities, the day you have outpatient knee replacement surgery can be the day you get a whole new lease on life.
Most patients that are candidates for knee replacement will also be candidates for outpatient knee replacement. You may be required to do some pre-habilitation exercises before the surgery to strengthen the surrounding muscles that support the knee joint, and you need to demonstrate a positive mental attitude and willingness to actively participate in your recovery after discharge.
In some cases, patients with medical conditions such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, or morbid obesity might need to stay at the hospital or surgery center for 1-2 days before they are discharged home.
Let’s take a look at the average outpatient surgery day. You check into the surgery center on the morning of the day of your surgery. The surgery is performed after a pre-surgical evaluation, and then you are moved to the recovery area where the nurses and support staff help you with your recovery. Most of the time, spinal anesthesia is performed, which means you have less nausea and pain, and are more alert. This way you come out of anesthesia quite quickly. As soon as you are up and alert, which may take about an hour, a physical therapist will help you start weight bearing on the knee. Over the next few hours, you will be encouraged to start walking short distances. You will be discharged only when you are confident and ready to go home.
Book an appointment with us for an in-depth evaluation of your knee condition and to find out you are a candidate for outpatient knee replacement surgery.
Dr. DanecaDiPaolo is a highly skilled, board certified orthopedic surgeon and hand specialist located in Grenada, Mississippi. She offers the newest orthopedic techniques, and she provides quality, compassionate, state of the art orthopedic care. For all appointments and inquiries, please call (662) 227-7794.