Regaining Strength and Function: The Importance of Physical Therapy After Surgery

Regaining Strength and Function: The Importance of Physical Therapy After Surgery
Regaining Strength and Function: The Importance of Physical Therapy After Surgery

Regaining Strength and Function: The Importance of Physical Therapy After Surgery

Recovering from surgery is a journey that requires more than just rest and medication, physical therapy is essential for a successful recovery. It speeds up the healing process, helps prevent complications, and improves the quality of life. With October being Physical Therapy Month, let’s explore how physical therapy can ensure smooth recovery and return to routine activities.

How Physical Therapy Improves Surgical Outcomes

Increased Strength
Surgery often necessitates a period of immobilization, which can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy. Physical therapy focuses on strengthening exercises that target the muscles around the surgical site. This not only helps rebuild lost muscle mass but also enhances overall stability and support for the joint or bone that was operated on, which is crucial for regaining full function.1

Enhanced Functionality
The ultimate goal of physical therapy is to help patients regain the ability to perform daily activities independently. Through a combination of strength training, balance exercises, and functional training, physical therapy improves a patient’s ability to walk, climb stairs, lift objects, and perform other routine tasks.1

Reduced Risk of Complications
Post-surgical complications such as blood clots (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) and pulmonary embolism are serious concerns, especially after orthopedic surgery. Physical therapy promotes movement and circulation, which are critical in preventing these complications. Exercises that encourage leg and arm movements, as well as walking, are particularly effective in reducing the risk of blood clots.2

Prevention of Scar Tissue Formation
Scar tissue can develop at the surgical site as part of the healing process. However, excessive scar tissue can restrict movement and cause pain. Physical therapy includes scar tissue mobilization techniques and exercises that keep the tissue flexible and aligned properly, preventing it from becoming too rigid or forming adhesions that could limit mobility.

Better Long-Term Outcomes
The benefits of physical therapy extend well beyond the immediate postoperative period. Patients who adhere to their physical therapy regimen are more likely to experience long-term improvements in joint and muscle function. This long-term commitment to rehabilitation can prevent chronic pain, degenerative changes, and disability.

By understanding and embracing these benefits, patients can see the value of physical therapy in their recovery journey and are more likely to commit to their rehabilitation program, resulting in better outcomes and a smoother return to daily life.

Under the expert care of Dr. DiPaolo, you can experience the transformative benefits of physical therapy. Discover how physical therapy can accelerate your healing, prevent complications, and enhance your quality of life.

AUTHOR: Dr. Daneca DiPaolo is a highly-skilled, board-certified orthopedic surgeon located in Grenada, Mississippi. She offers the latest orthopedic techniques and provides quality, compassionate, state-of-the-art orthopedic care.


  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons - AAOS
  • Mississippi State Medical Association
  • Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society
  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand